Relationships First: 3 Ways to Get More Reach with Your Content

relationships first

I really feel like I’m dating myself here, but way back when I was getting started online (2008), there were a lot less tactics people could try to market and grow their businesses.

Social media was still in its early stages (i.,e, FB ads didn’t exist yet) and you could gain a lot of traction through organic sharing on social platforms.

On one hand, those were kind of “the good ol’ days”, on the other hand, because it was new and these platforms weren’t monetized yet, it was kind of like anything worked… including crummy content.

The ONE thing that has stayed consistent and will always work when it comes to marketing and growing your business is focusing on people and relationships.

This is one of the reasons I’m such a huge fan of podcasts.

Having started podcasting in 2013 for the simple reason of wanting to have more fun opened so many doors for me… that there was no way I could have seen these opportunities prior to jumping in.

My podcast is a mix of solo episodes and interviews.

As much as I love doing the solo shows, it was the interviews that were the game-changer (and got more people listening to the solo shows).

In other words, relationships first.

I reached out to people I didn’t have a relationship with but were in the WordPress space (my podcast was originally called “The WordPress Chick Podcast”, now it’s “The Kim Doyal Show”).

The beauty of interviewing someone is that it’s simply a “give” – meaning, I’m using my platform to share their message. It’s all about them.

It’s a huge win-win.

You get to highlight someone else and share them with your audience. You also create new content and ideally, a relationship with someone that becomes of a friend or at least someone you can refer people to, or do business with later down the line.

This is actually how Jodi and I connected ????.

She heard me on the podcast, reached out, we then hopped on Skype (pre-Zoom days), and stayed in touch over the years. Never in a million years when we connected did either of us see launching an e-commerce company with a physical content planner!

Stay open to the possibilities while being detached from any specific outcome.

Let’s jump into the 3 ways relationship can help you get more reach from your content.

1. Highlight or Feature Other People On Your Website

This is probably one of my favorites (and one I’m a little behind in doing).

I do this on my personal brand whenever I interview someone for my podcast. I’ve also got a post to finish (marketers to follow in 2021 – before it ends up becoming a midyear post).

I talked about this in greater length in my post, “Try this Post Idea for Traffic, Engagement, and Content.”

The idea is simple.

Share people you follow, admire, read, watch, or listen to. You can make this a post featuring one person or highlight a group of people based on a specific theme (social media, authors, podcasters, etc.).

The trick here is not to be stingy.

Meaning, give them a link back (many people have Google alerts set up for their name so that anytime they’re mentioned they get a notification).

Too many people are afraid to give ‘do-follow’ links.

I don’t care what the search engines like (note: linking is a huge part of ranking higher in the search engines), this is goodwill that can pay off for years to come.

Reach: there is a high probability that the people you highlight or feature on your site are going to share your content. We all like to see and hear our own names.

There’s nothing like paying it forward to say thanks.

2. Quote other people

It’s probably not a huge secret that I’m a fan of most things inspirational. I love a good quote as much as the next person.

However, what if you quoted someone who isn’t a big name?

As an example, as much as I love him, Seth Godin isn’t hurting for recognition (he’s earned it all, no judgment).

But the likelihood of Seth commenting or sharing your content is probably slim to none.

What if you flipped that and quoted someone you actually know?

Better yet, what if you tagged them when you shared your post and used their quote as an image?

“It costs you to NOT be who you are”

— Allegra Sinclair

See what I did there?

Allegra Sinclair is a friend and fellow marketer. I love what she does and how she moves through the world (check her out here and do yourself a favor and listen to her podcast on courage).

3. Engage with other people and comment on their stuff!

Is it just me or does anyone else think we need to start bringing the conversations and comments back to the blog? (Feel free to leave a comment here by the way ????).

I tend to comment more on social and Medium, where I’m an avid reader, but whenever I can I also try to share someone else’s work with the world or simply let them know how I feel about their work.

Side note: if you don’t agree with someone, move on. You’re not helping them (nor will pointing out that they’re wrong convince them to see another point of view) and you’re simply going to make yourself feel like crap.

Here are a few simple ways you can engage with people:

  • Don’t simply like or love something on social. Leave a thoughtful comment (maybe 2 minutes of your time?)
  • Comment on their blog
  • Share their content. Add a sentence or two with your thoughts on the piece. Be sure to tag them
  • Medium: You can highlight favorite text, tweet something you’ve highlighted, and give up to 50 claps. Do them all (again, maybe 2 minutes of your time?)
  • Leave a podcast review
  • Leave a book review on Amazon if you’ve read their book (note to self, get on this)
  • Add them to a resources page on your site, then take the time to let them know and share the link with them
  • Reply to their emails (I truly never tire of hearing from people on my list. It makes my day)
  • Make it as easy as humanly possible for people to appreciate you!

It’s kind of crazy when you look at how simple these things are and yet we often overlook them because we “don’t have the time.”

A little investment of your time today will start compounding tomorrow.

Don’t overthink this, have some fun and start connecting.

Formerly known as “The WordPress Chick,” is an entrepreneur, coach, podcaster, and content creator.

She has built her lifestyle business over the last 12 years using WordPress, content marketing, and through growing her community. She lives by her commitment to #JustShowUP.


  1. Liz Weaver on March 15, 2021 at 5:35 am

    I really love your list! That makes sense and it’s a good reminder. I read so many amazing things and think ooh I enjoyed that then move on. I’ll make a note to myself to slow down and give comments, share, and reviews.

    • Kim Doyal on March 19, 2021 at 9:16 am

      Thanks, Liz!
      I’m right there with you. This was a “note to self” as well as a suggestion for everyone else. This gives me an idea for something else…(of course it does, right?) haha

  2. Leanne on March 17, 2021 at 8:02 pm

    Great article, such an important part of my business is to build relationships. I love leaving reviews for people on either their book or podcast when I can. I will take on making more thoughtful comments on people’s socials as I don’t think I do this enough. Thank you for the reminders.

    • Kim Doyal on March 19, 2021 at 9:15 am

      You’re welcome Leanne,
      I had gotten out of the habit of doing it myself as well. It’s easy to do when we feel like we have to constantly be creating and doing “more”… it’s such a win-win too. They get your feedback and you feel good for leaving it.
      Have a great weekend!

  3. Dana Wilson on March 22, 2021 at 2:07 pm

    I love this, Kim. I used to comment on blogs all the time, but I’ve become “too busy.” You’ve reminded me that it’s always a good use of my time to make a connection or cheer someone else on. Thank you!

    • Kim Doyal on March 23, 2021 at 10:27 am

      You’re most welcome Dana 🙂
      I was really starting to feel burned out on social media and I needed to find a way to reframe it, so decided to go back to what I enjoyed about it, which was people.
      And I appreciate your comment. 😉

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