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Creativity Published ~ No. 012

No one really needs MORE content from you

No one needs more content

What if I told you that Nobody really wants more information from you. Nobody wants your free plus shipping book. Nobody wants your free checklist. They don’t even really want your paid content.


Really. They don’t really want information. What they want is the TRANSFORMATION it promises. They want to stop their pain, solve their problem, achieve a goal, fulfill an aspiration.

Think about it. How many of these things have you bought or downloaded? How many have you actually completed? And how much of that have you actually implemented?

It’s amazing how we humans seek information and then don’t put in the effort to achieve the transformation we really seek.

I suppose this is why there is such a market for done-for-you services. Ultimately it comes down to time, money, and effort — which are you more willing to spend? And how badly do you really want that transformation?

So what is a business owner/marketer to do?

The solution is almost never MORE content. Rather, it is less, but better.

Hide your work

David Perell, Hide Your Work

“Your work is done when it looks so simple that the consumer thinks they could have done it, which means they won’t appreciate how hard you work

Easy reading is hard writing. To write well, you must accept that you will only publish a small percentage of what you type. As Hans Hoffman once said: ‘The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.’”

what brands can learn from online dating

What Brands can learn from online dating

On dating sites like Tinder and Hinge, users average 3-5 seconds reviewing a profile before swiping left or right. In a generation raised on 140 characters or less, brand expert Sarah Willersdorf proposes that marketing has a lot to learn from online daters. With the common goal to elicit an emotional response through a carefully communicated first impression, Sarah reviews the three key lessons companies can learn from these experienced and bountiful self-branders.

Facebook business suite

Facebook Business Suite

has launched has launched an All-in-One Management Tool for Facebook and Instagram

Amazon podcasts

Amazon now has podcasts

Amazon Music now offers podcasts, bringing more than 70,000 shows to the platform. Podcasts can be listened to through the updated Amazon Music app, on the web, or on Amazon Echo devices. Echo devices will search Amazon Music by default and will remember where listeners left off, regardless of what platform they use to listen.

Something to think about…

Organizational theorist Kenichi Ohmae (via James Clear) on the difference between being efficient and being effective:

“Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.”

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Kim Doyal

Kim Doyal
Also known as “The WordPress Chick,” is an entrepreneur, coach, podcaster, and content creator.

She has built her lifestyle business over the last 10 years using WordPress, content marketing, and through growing her community. She lives by her commitment to #JustShowUP.

Jodi Hersh

Jodi Hersh
Is a “Smartist.” Celebrating 25 years as Orange Star Design — the intersection of creativity, experience and technology.

She helps bring people’s visions to life with strategic branding, websites and marketing solutions. Jodi is also the founder of Live Love Dogs®.